
By: Team Ambition

Members: Leo, Donald, Angela, and Victor

Date: June 6th - 7th 2020


CarePackages4U is a web application created for XDHacks Mini-Covid, an online hackathon hosted on June 6th - 7th 2020. With this project, we were able to obtain 2nd place out of the 21 teams that participated. CarePackages4U is an easily accessible web application that allows anyone who is unable to leave their houses to request their needs in a list. Local volunteers, donors, food banks, or charities can then view their list in the homepage, contact them, then set up a plan for delivering the needs for them.


Key Languages and Tools:


Modules and Libraries:

Additional tools used:

Benefits of CarePackages4U

Health agencies and many governments have mandated self-quarantine due to the pandemic. By not having to go outside, those who are vulnerable to the Coronavirus do not risk the chance of becoming even more susceptible to catching the virus. Local charities or donors simply only need to add the items in the care package to their normal shopping list, thus reducing the number of people outside and total trips made. This supports self-isolation. With a contactless drop-off to the front of the requestee’s door, there is a decreased- or even very low -chance of transmission of COVID-19, keeping both the receiver and the donor safe.

Big Concept

To increase the accessibility of basic living supplies to those who are vulnerable or in need during the pandemic. Those who are in a position to help can easily provide aid with a non-contact delivery. CarePackages4U promotes a sense of community and dependability.

Future Implementations

CarePackages4U - Finding donors made easy!
Designed and Coded by Donald Lee